Five Lands (Cinque Terre) - Vernazza
Founded around the year thousand, Vernazza is the country of the Cinque Terre that most of the other retained the appearance of a sea village, with its comfortable and secure natural harbor, which soars above the cylindrical Belforte tower, and a seafaring tradition known since ancient times. The country, in addition to the typical terraced houses grown one lean the other for defensive scope, in the upper town has arcades, porches, narrow and steep streets, connected by arches with stairs leading to other stairs. - See the Five Lands (Cinque Terre) map with a complete picture set.

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Cinque Terre, anzi sette. E dintorni | Da Camogli a Portofino | Five Lands (Cinque Terre) | From Camogli to Portofino | Parco regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle di Curone | Sardegna: selvaggio blu | Sicilia, arte e mare | Sicilia, i luoghi della Mitologia e della Storia | Valle del Lambro: tragitti, ville, cascine e aree verdi