Lima - Museo Archeologico Rafael Larco
Una delle gallerie più visitate del Museo Rafael Larco è quella che ospita la ricchissima collezione di arte erotica. Founded in 1926 by Peruvian archaeologist Rafael Larco Hoyle, the Larco Museum showcases remarkable chronological galleries that provide a thorough overview of 4000 years of Peruvian pre-Columbian history. It is located in an 18th century vice-royal mansion built over a 7th century pre-Columbian pyramid and surrounded by a stunning garden. The Museum features the finest gold and silver collection from Ancient Peru and the famous Erotic gallery, one of Peru's most visited attractions. Larco is one of the few museums in the world where visitors have the unique opportunity to enter the storage area and view its 45,000 classified archaeological objects. The Larco Museum's masterpieces are recurrently exhibited in the world's most prestigious museums. - Vedi la mappa di Lima con tutte le foto.

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